snort or swallow ritalin

snort or swallow ritalin
How to Smoke Ritalin Erowid Experience Vaults: Methylphenidate. What happens when you (snort, smoke or.
snort or swallow ritalin
Headshop & DigitalwaagenSnorting Ritalin Dosage Große Auswahl, schnelle Lieferung, Kauf auf Rechnung & günstige Preise
Dear Alice, Recently I have started snorting Ritalin and Adderall (not at the same time though). I have found that the effects closely resemble that of snorting
01.09.2008 · Best Answer: I have some 30mg XR adderall, I've heard snorting it increases the effects and hits you faster but I've never dared to, I don't recommend
An experience with Methylphenidate (Ritalin). 'The Ins and Outs' by MK88
Snorting Ritalin High
01.11.2009 · Best Answer: The pill burn out too quickly, especially on tinfoil, Its pointless, you won't get high at all. Smoking OxyContin is a complete waste of an

Death or Psychosis it's not worth it Adderall is a combination of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine that is used to help treat attention deficit hyperactivity